He’s a modern-day pirate. Eric ― known formally as Edward Tatch ― is a dude from Milan with a Londoner background. He has sartorial skills and passion for creating clothes one day. At his day job, Eric works at Zegna, and his style is a mix of pirate-gypsy, London vibes, and Italian taste.

Hi, tell us about your background?
I’m Edward Tatch. Not so coincidentally, my name is a few letters off from Edward Thatch, the notorious pirate also known as Blackbeard. This is the perfect homage to my passion for everything pirate.
I’m half British and half Italian. I’ve spent pretty much my whole life in Milan, except for a few years in London. These two worlds are the two sides of my personality: when I’m in Milan I miss the multiculturality, while in London I miss Milan’s good style and food.
Given your Italy-England influence, I have to ask: sweet or salty breakfast?
100% sweet. To be totally honest with you, I also enjoy eggs and bacon, although only if it’s really well made. In Milan, I haven’t found a good spot for that yet. For the record, I’m also an English tea guy.
What is your sense of style like?
That’s hard. I’m a “classy gypsy,” meaning that on one hand, I love everything that is a little bit ethnic, nomadic; and on the other hand, I love classic sartorial clothes. Even better if they’re made in Italy. This gives me more freedom in terms of style compared to British style and allows me to show much more personality.
What’s a brand you follow?
At the moment I enjoy Tagliatore, it suits my taste. I’d like to keep on changing clothes all the time but, in the end, I do little shopping. I much prefer saving up to buy a tailored suit, made exactly as I want it.
What’s an accessory you can’t live without?
Rings. I can’t even get out of my apartment without my rings. Most of the time, I also carry a pocket watch that I usually don’t even look at. I just like collecting them.
What’s a place that has moved you?
Norway: I’m an adventurer kind of guy. A couple of summers back, I managed to go on a trip to the fjords with a friend. You get there by boat, and then you get to climb and hike around the fjords. It was so cool; it’s a holiday everyone should do at least once in their life.

If I say made in Italy, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?
Quality guaranteed. To name a few things that first pop up in my head: a person who supports made in Italy is looking for good quality in tailoring, accessories, and cuisine.
Choose a pair of Velasca you like the most: how do you style it?
The Single Monk Straps with fringe look very good with a blue suit. The look I would wear it with the most, however, is a mismatched look: jeans (casual) and a tailored jacket (classy).

What do you see as an emerging trend in the near future?
Three piece suits are coming back ― which have been pretty much forgotten for years. And coats from 1930/40s might be trendy again. Generally speaking, these days I am seeing way more attention to detail and good taste.
Picture yourself in 5 years time.
Good question. I hope to turn what I do during my free time into a real job. My thing is designing clothes. I imagine my own brand: well made, suitable for many, and affordable for all. Milan is a tricky city to start because people know exactly how to wear and style their clothes. London would be much easier, aiming to educate people on La dolce vita.